It takes everyone liberal and conservative to run the politics of the engine we call America! Patrotic American warriors defend with their life the right of pacifists to hold the wrong opinions. The Blogmaster harbors some populist ideas and believes in free enterprise as opposed to corporate monopoly capitalism. This is a mostly GOP friendly blog. jdm

Subject: The sleeping giant is waking up
I've been watching!
Watching the slow decline in moral fiber in our country over the years. Watching the Bible dumpers prevailing over Bible thumpers. Watching as our country yielded to forces that hate our way of life. Watching now as the tide turns. People are stepping up and saying ..."Enough" and taking action. My view from Oklahoma is that we have in place at the national level two great Senators and congresspersons that are conservative. Boren tho hanging out with the liberal DNC is far more conservative than many of the GOP from other states. Furthermore the return to faith as evidenced by church affiliation in recent polls showing our citizenry embolden in search of traditional family values. The recent election was a repudiation of the broken promises of the GOP leadership and not an embracing of socialist stands of the winning party. When you look at it closely you find that the democrats ran on conservative principles. The war certainly played a part but that is whole different matter removed from political views. The most adamant anti-war demonstrator still wants his person and family to be defended and protected. I hope the move to the right by the democrats was not just pragmatic campaign promises and they will form coalitions with patriots across the isle because in the final analysis is only in a defended and secure country that freedom can prosper for all of us.
water water everywhere in Oklahoma
Our beloved Sen. James Inhofe has come to the attention of Mother Jones nag mag of the green green mean liberal inviro/whacko corporate money machine. Oklahoma weather is a swing back and for forth weather I have loved for 70 years. Weather has become a political tool for those who make their living off prognostications and media events.
And so the little rich kids on a liberal jaunt playing like journalists had this to say about our Senior Senator...
"Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma is America's foremost global warming denier (he called global warming "the greatest hoax every perpetrated on the American people" and compared global warming warnings to the deceptions of the Third Reich), and as the chairman of the Environment and Public Works committee is probably more responsible than anyone except President Bush for America's inaction on the subject. Well, God or Nature or someone is pissed off, and it/they know exactly who to go after.
Oklahoma, it seems, is experiencing the worst drought conditions and wildfires in the United States. Nine and a half million acres have been burned by wild fires nationwide in 2006, a record. One could say proof of global warming is shining Inhofe in the face like sun glare off a prairie highway."

Post on Rainbow states has been updated to three states over the edge. See original edited post below.
The main force behind the original Humanist Manifesto was John Dewey...the father of modern education and founding member of the ACLU!!! Can you see how the ACLU (with help from the change agent courts) lawyers have worked over education and remade in the Karl Marx's image?
Parents...Search this document it you will find the basis of the lobbied in laws and regulations of the National Department of Education, State Education Departments and the hard fast rules your local school board yields their authority to. It does not have to be...insist they turn down the federal money and it's humanist rules and supervise the education of our children as they are elected to. Humanism is pure Marxist thought and Communist principles...check it out!
Remember this is not a liberal/conservative/libertarian issue ... this is the future freedom of religion, press, and speech of our country and children.
After clicking the link above and reading their Humanist Manifesto...Are you angry now? Take action at the next school board meeting

Dave asked me:"Please explain to me how you can support your stance that there are not religions that pre-date Judaism. This goes against most, if not all known archeological and anthropological research." <
Archeology has been a great boon to proving the authenticity of the Hebrew bible. Great men of letters (like the ones at National Geographic..great pictures and little substance)once said that Abram was a myth until they dug up "Ur of the Chaldees"...right now they are trying to rewrtie history and do in Jesus Christ.
Of course I know from the biblical record that "Judaism" came our of Abram, Issac and Jacob but there is an unbroken line of "Believers in the Most High Creator" that goes back to the creation of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Before Abram was called out of "Ur of the Chaldeas" and started the line that produced Israel there was an occurrence after the Noah flood when all of the descendants of Noah, Shem, Jephthah, and Ham came together at the tower of Babel to produce a "one world government and religion'...sould familiar?. God had told them to scatter and replenish the earth and they disobeyed. They had a common language and He gave them a multiplicity of languages and scattered them appointing each new tribe to specified parts of the globe. In my linage the Cherokees said that the Great Spirit had given them their land in the Georgia area. It seems to me that language, culture and religious viewpoint go hand in hand. Noah and Shem were still living at that time so obviously were part of the scattering. Some believe that Noah was the first Ruler of China and Shem the second. The ancient Chinese had a Border Animal Sacrifice similar to what Israel practiced later. It is hard for me to understand other religions that I am not culturized to but study has given me some understanding. Perhaps the King that Abram paid tribute to was Shem. At any rate there was an unbroken line of verbal communication of the pre flood world, the fall in the Garden of Eden and all the other history. The ancients lived far longer than we do and some believe that we as humans are losing cognitive prowess that our forefathers possessed. Another clue we have to their knowledge of history was the Mazzaroth (link below) which was a study of the constellations that predates writing and it's later perversion into Astrology . So that Dave is where I am here at the end of days" for my human journey. I consider Universal Reconciliation )see link below) a great possibility in God's grand scheme of things. Even our Sci/Fi writers can invasion a God who could speak into existence a Cosmos of positive and negative electricity that formed themselves into Galaxy's, suns and planets. Sure He could provide the searcher for truth in any age....the answers. I and ONLY I am responsible for my faith/obedience to the Most High. I will set with my Creator one on one to answer for my journey. I will need the Grace He promised. I hope this helps explain my position...the links below are provided as benchmarks of my journey...thanks for asking. Jimmie
Science and Bible compatible
This church was like seminary to me
lotta great old books
Universal questions

A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM...a partial list of the signers...visit the site for more information.
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
This list is publicly updated on a quarterly basis – last update June 2006. Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position.
Philip Skell Emeritus, Evan Pugh Prof. of Chemistry Pennsylvania State University Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Lyle H. Jensen Professor Emeritus Dept. of Biological Structure & Dept. of Biochemistry University of Washington, Fellow AAAS
Maciej Giertych Full Professor, Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences
Lev Beloussov Prof. of Embryology, Honorary Prof., Moscow State University Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Eugene Buff Ph.D. Genetics Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Emil Palecek Prof. of Molecular Biology, Masaryk University; Leading Scientist Inst. of Biophysics, Academy of Sci., Czech Republic
K. Mosto Onuoha Shell Professor of Geology & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Nigeria Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science
Ferenc Jeszenszky Former Head of the Center of Research Groups Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Henry Schaefer Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry University of Georgia
Russell Carlson Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Georgia
Michael Behe Professor of Biological Science Lehigh University
Alan Linton Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology University of Bristol
Dean Kenyon Emeritus Professor of Biology San Francisco State University
David W. Forslund Ph.D. Astrophysics, Princeton University Fellow of American Physical Society
Robert W. Bass Ph.D. Mathematics (also: Rhodes Scholar; Post-Doc at Princeton) Johns Hopkins University
John Hey Associate Clinical Prof. (also: Fellow, American Geriatrics Society) Dept. of Family Medicine, Univ. of Mississippi
Daniel W. Heinze Ph.D. Geophysics (also: Post-Doc Fellow, Carnegie Inst. of Washington) Texas A&M University
William Dembski Ph.D. Mathematics University of Chicago
David Chapman* Senior Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Giuseppe Sermonti Professor of Genetics, Ret. (also: Editor, Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum) University of Perugia (Italy)
Stanley Salthe Emeritus Professor Biological Sciences Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Donald Ewert Ph.D. Microbiology University of Georgia
Bernard d'Abrera Visiting Scholar, Department of Entomology British Museum (Natural History)
Mae-Wan Ho Ph.D. Biochemistry Hong Kong University
Scott Minnich Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry University of Idaho
Jeffrey Schwartz Assoc. Res. Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences University of California, Los Angeles
Ralph Seelke Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Wisconsin, Superior
Annika Parantainen Ph.D. Biology University of Turku (Finland)
Stay tuned as the list grows as rational thought is reborn in academia
This was just to good a reply to not bring it here... Red Stater was replying to criticism from Oklahoma Left on his blog"
Red Stater said...
i don't do much "cut n paste" there dave... once in a while just for a change or to emphasize a point...maybe...
In fact another lib (kittenstomper i think) criticized me for not using enough links and quotes from others...and giving too much of only my opinion.
(make up your minds)
I just noticed that most of your posts are actually someone elses opinion that you just agree this one or just a video with one sentence at the bottom. It seemed odd after your comments to me.
That's fine, but a bit hypocritical when you try and criticize others for that, don't ya' think?
You won't find a single post of mine copied from limbaugh, hannity, o'reilly, coulter or any of your other favorite hate targets by me.
I did pick up the Jamil Hussein story, and provided links over to, but that's because my exclusive david podvin post became part of floppingaces bigger story.
I did post JFK's inaugural address (as a public service to liberals)
what is the point of only picking stories from other bloggers and copying them to my site?
That's worthless (lame) in my opinion, you just become a blog links directory. Besides, it's been done...
I have no control over who agrees with me. Nor do I care.
When you go to Red Stater, you will get the news and views according to me.
-red stater
i don't care if alfranken agrees or disagrees and i don't care if rush agrees or not. I don't even care if the President agrees or not.
I am angered that a bunch of "useful idiots" seem to be more interested in proving Bush is a liar and getting democrats in power than they are with our safety while the throatcutters cheer them on.
i care about our borders and the flood of illegal immigrants.
i care about the unborn as well as women.(pregnant or not)
i care about stopping child molesters and keeping them stopped.
i care about the poor and i care about those with businesses who provide jobs so fewer are poor in the first place.
i care about the first amendment and the second one too.(yes and the rest as well)
i care that liberals continually say outrageous intentionally hurtful things yet think they are somehow immune or exempt.
i write my views,
try it sometime... ya' might like it.
12/18/2006 2:12 PM "
Well done!
The invasion of the USA by hordes who keep allegiance to another country has been underway for some time. President Bush for his own elitist reasons has done little to stifle the flow of illegals into our Homeland. He is joined in that effort by special interests who see the influx as expanding their religious or political base.
The open admitted agenda is a North American Super Country with Canada, the USA and Mexico as the nucleus of a super nation without the protection of the US constitution under mega corporation control. The North American Super Highway from central America to Canada is the backbone of the plan and is well underway. The Super Highway played into the politics of the Texas elections this year. The political make up as it now consists with Bush and the Democrats on the same page on this issue makes it a dangerous time for freedom loving patriotic citizens. Feeding the fire are those lying to the Hispanic Liberation Theology movement in the Southwestern states. They are taught that states like California, Arizona, New Mexico and others are really their homeland. The fact is that over 100 tribes of North American Native Americans remain and are currently recognized by the governing authorities in our nation. This is their homeland and not the homeland of the protesting law breakers who illegally or legally migrated here in this century. The indigenous tribes of all our 50 states have a small but proud remnant who are still in their tribal territory. The great majority have intermarried with the occupying Europeans and over half of the population carries the DNA of the original inhabitants and Caucasians migrants since 1492. I am one of those mixed bloods and the recent legal immigrants are welcome if they assimilate our language and culture but the illegals with their lying rhetoric in not. The rogue catholic priests who are advocating the violent overthrow of the majority elected government of the United States should be chastised by their ruling religious authority and prosecuted by the federal authorities. The FCC licensed broadcast media that advocate the violent overthrow of our government must have their public broadcast licence revoked for the rule of law to prevail. Voters must take back control of their political parties at the local level and then make their voices heard in state and national levels to stop this travesty.
May God protect us from our inept national leadership
picture has no relation to anything
In the next election we will have Red Staters, Blue Staters and Rainbow Staters. Two of our 50 states have capitulated (or is it copulated?)to the Perversity Movement and are approving gay marriage. No figures are yet available on anal birth rates for those states and new bathroom signs are still under study by the Select GLBT accommodations committee. The Perversity Movement is usurping the Diversity movement and face a lawsuit from Jesse Jackson over the logo rights to the rainbow. The right amount of money will calm Jesse's fears and all will be well on the democratic homo(sp) front.
December 21st update... Make it three states now that shucked their Judeo/Christian heritage and have legalized pseudo marriage.
This happening at a time when our Citizens are returning to church in record numbers. A poll last month from ABC showed 83% of US identify themselves as Christian, 04% identify as other religions and 13% as no identity.
This Christan nation has always allowed other religions to practice in freedom. God bless and keep America, liberal, conservative and even the Libertarians (smile here)
The time is now!
How can you set there with that smug look on your face ...
eternity comes fast and you don't know your place ...
Fate is standing in the dark shadows playing to your pride ...
and here you are unconcerned like time was on your side ...
The day will come when your ladder of life has no more rungs ...
and all your choices will expire with the breath in your lungs. ..
The nearest Bible can help you make your choice of eternal habitation ...
for you can find Christ Jesus in every book from Genesis to Revelation. ..
posted on
Want to talk about eternity?
Poem of my youth...composed on October 23, 2006
Tracks of a friend in the snow
I have lain on the path of bone chilling fear ...
watched as the death angel hovered near ...
Midnight I rode the trail where black lion stalked ...
my steed snorting his course stayed.. balked ...
I lost my seat and the moon swirled around ...
my head was the first to kiss frozen ground ...
My body bounced down the Arbuckles crag ...
the earth drank my blood and there I laid ...
and dreamed the dream of death’s opening door ...
of life unlived and path’s untracked with joy untasted ...
my future my claim on living gone as I lay wasted ...
but awareness came as light chased away the night ...
My companion grazed close by had kept the cat away ...
snow tracks around my death bed testified to his stay ...
my shirt red soaked with life’s precious fluid staining the ground ...
I drug my pain racked body to the saddle and started down ...
past the still waiting mountain lion eyes peering from thick weeds ...
the smell of my blood kept him waiting to quench his savage needs ...
I looked back as he smelled my blood spilled in the snow where I lay ...
then followed us for awhile before turning to find unguarded prey ...
Danpatch went to equine heaven during the next season’s winter strife ...
But in my dreams I still count the tracks of my friend who saved my life.
jdm10/23/2006 based on a true occurrence with some literary license applied...My dad was a cowboy and Danpatch had been his favorite horse until he was retired to be my horse. At the time of the poem Danpatch was over twenty years old and I was 12.
Don't Tread on My Flag
We must be very concerned about who we elect as President and Commander in Chief...They must be willing to affirm the Christian roots of this country and the heritage of free enterprise and religious freedom. The must disavow any connection to any other world opinion than one that puts American interests first! They must pledge to never be the instrument of American submission to any authority that subverts the High Law of the Constitution of the United States.At the very least as a potential Commander In Chief of United States Armed Forces they must be able pass and receive a personal Top Secret Clearance background check that we demand of our defenders.God Bless the USA Keep us Free!
This "letters to editor" allows the reader to post opinion on subjects listed. We will delete posts or replies in poor taste or personal attacks on individuals. The Blogmaster's opinions predate the current rash of right wing rhetoric. Some say he is stuck in 1958! If you want to submit a post send it to the blogmaster or comment on the posts below.
Note: Some posts are moved to Draft status when no longer timely...if you need the post just email me and I will send you the copy.
***A conversation requires two or more opinions or it becomes a rally.***
Opinion Oklahoma
This "letters to editor" allows the reader to post opinion on subjects listed. Thus the www is a better media for the opinion writer in that no editor gets to pick and choose the views that are published. We will delete posts or replies in poor taste or attacks on individuals. If you want to submit a post send it to the webmaster below.
Creating a good post or reply on Opinion Oklahoma Dot Com
Be concerned about the brevity of your posting or reply. Get to your main point in your first sentence and use the fewest words to make your main point. Stay on one topic. Effective communication requires short sentences. Numbers detract from the central point. Keep your bromides out of your postings or replies. Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation will help sell your idea. Spell check and reread your postings before submitting. Topics in the news are likely to get more readership. Appeal to your readers logic rather than emotion. Good posting!
You're nobody til 51 percent loves you
You're nobody til 51 percent cares
You may be Senator
You may possess the lobeyists and all their gold
But gold won't bring you a happy election
Why are already old
The world still is the same, you will never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
You're nobody til 51 percent loves you
So find yourself somevoters to love
Hey Senator you missed the boat by being a fake conservative. Palin for President in 10
The world still is the same, you never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
Well, you're nobody til 51 percent loves you
So find yourself somevoters to love<
Mine own self I write to gratifie....John Bunyun of Pilgrims Progess said it best..
". . . I did not thinkTo shew to all the World my Pen and InkIn such a mode; I only thought to makeI knew not what: nor did I undertakeThereby to please my Neighbour; no not I;I did it mine own self to gratifie."
I write here in Oklahoma Opinion my heartfelt opinions some inherited from my father and grandfathers and codified along my 71 year journey from Bromide, Oklahoma to Newcastle, Oklahoma. Read my words, make up your own mind and love your nieghbors and your country.
Poem about my youthful dance with the death angel...composed on October 23, 2006
Tracks of a friend in the snowI have lain on the path of bone chilling fear ... watched as the death angel hovered near ... Midnight I rode the trail where black lion stalked ... my steed snorting his course stayed.. balked ... I lost my seat and the moon swirled around ... my head was the first to kiss frozen ground ... My body bounced down the Arbuckles crag ... the earth drank my blood and there I laid ... and dreamed the dream of death’s opening door ... of life unlived and path’s untracked with joy untasted ... my future my claim on living gone as I lay wasted ... but awareness came as light chased away the night ... My companion grazed close by had kept the cat away ... snow tracks around my death bed testified to his stay ... my shirt red soaked with life’s precious fluid staining the ground ... I drug my pain racked body to the saddle and started down ... past the still waiting mountain lion eyes peering from thick weeds ... the smell of my blood kept him waiting to quench his savage needs ... I looked back as he smelled my blood spilled in the snow where I lay ... then followed us for awhile before turning to find unguarded prey ... Danpatch went to equine heaven during the next season’s winter strife ... But in my dreams I still count the tracks of my friend who saved my life.
. . jdm10/23/2006 based on a true occurrence with some literary license applied...My dad was a cowboy and Danpatch had been his favorite horse until he was retired to be my horse. At the time of the poem Danpatch was over twenty years old and I was 12. Gosh I miss him!