It takes everyone liberal and conservative to run the politics of the engine we call America! Patrotic American warriors defend with their life the right of pacifists to hold the wrong opinions. The Blogmaster harbors some populist ideas and believes in free enterprise as opposed to corporate monopoly capitalism. This is a mostly GOP friendly blog. jdm
this is a fictional spoof of an Internet scam is not not respond to scam emails...disclaimer added after several emails from readers who took it as serious news.

Jimmie Martin the Blogmaster of announced today that he will retire and turn over control of his blog to his grand daughters.
Mr. Martin said, "It was ironic that I won the 'BILL AND MELINDA GATES CHARITY FOUNDATION' email drawings on several of my emails making my total winning over a billion. Mr. Martin went on to say that he thanked the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Gates and will be a good steward of the moneys right after he finishes his cruise around the world on his new 300 ft cruiser that he ordered today. He said it is good that we live in a country where we can trust emails to be fraud free due to the efforts of our stellar congressmen and women. They would never allow the public to be scammed by Internet shadow sites. We can trust the Internet like we trust our bankers and credit card companies to be honorable and always have the highest standards of financial morality due to their favored legal monopoly standing.
With only 34 Democratic Senators supporting their leadership the final throes of the Amnesty bill becomes a devastating defeat for the new "majority". The Democratic leaders supporting by the President were not able to command the votes needed to stampede passage. In a "licking the wounds" press conference the day after the defeat several of the losing Senators including Senator Kennedy tried to tie the amnesty movement into a civil rights issue comparing it to the rights struggle for blacks and women.
The majority of the Senate and the American people view the issue as a law and order issue and do not believe that legalizing the criminal activity is good law.
The vote of no confidence on the present leadership should send a clear signal that Democrats have selected the wrong people to lead their majority.
The defeat creates a refreshing climate for reality based law making efforts.
School boards turn down transfer of students to nearby schools because they are in another district and they would loose the state funding for that student. So What! Schools are for the kids and the budget problems can be adjusted. This law was passed when I was involved in a petition drive to de-annex part of Del City from the Crooked Oak system. A Del City school was a half block from our house and my 1st and 2nd grader were not allowed to attend there. After our election they were in the district and attended that school.
Because of our success the Public School powers in Oklahoma ran a bill thru the "good ole boy lapdog" Democratic legislators that now requires both school boards to approve transfers.
The GOP majority should take a look at amending or killing this law in light of today's US Supreme court ruling on access to nearby schools. Education of our children is to important for petty politics to be a consideration. The students needs and well being should always come first!
Perhaps hope is still alive in the USA
Despite the pressure from the President and leaders of congress on both sides of the isle 53 Statesmen responded (some changing their votes)to the clamor from the fruited plain and voted down the Amnesty Bill of 2007. The fallen leaders of lost causes can now fade into the shadows themselves and let new blood in touch with the commonality take helm.
Lay the credit for the defeat at the doorstep of conservative bloggers and conservative talk radio. This defeat will send a message to Washington that the us common folk don't buy their back room deals. Remember to vote the Amnesty supporters out of office next time. New blood was instrumental in this win and reality based conservatives on both sides of the isle could use more help.
Here is a link Cost of Democrats to a new website discovered by the good folks at Oklahoma Political News Service . The site gives everyone the lowdoown on the waste and fraud of the elected Democrt spendthrifts.
OKPNS link
Each flag is a petition signer

Word is already spreading around Washington about our efforts to stop this immigration bill, and every day we're closer to victory. It is my hope I can write to you a week or two from now to celebrate the defeat of this bill and a renewed focus on border security and the enforcement of exiting immigration laws.
In addition to sharing the good news, I'm writing to you today for two reasons:
Our work isn't done yet. There is plenty of time for more 'closed-door' deals and the pressure on undecided Senators right now is incredible. Let's keep building on the early success of the petition by inviting five friends to join us in signing it. Click here to use our Forward to a Friend page. We've provided the invitation text; all you need to do is provide email addresses.
I also want to share with you a new Secure Borders Now Blog that will keep you informed on the latest immigration bill details. I'll keep track of all upcoming votes, speeches and news, and shine a light on the bill's progress through the Senate. I'm specifically sharing the link with folks who have signed the petition because I want you to help spread the word and keep our citizens up to date with the latest information. Click here to read the Secure Borders Now Blog.
Thank you again for your help in making the petition a tremendous success in such a short period of time. The word is getting out through your e-mails, word of mouth, in blogs, and in forums. It's humbling to be reminded in such a powerful way that elected officials are responsible to those who elected us. I'm proud to be able to serve Oklahomans and so many Americans across the country on this issue in the U.S. Senate.
Best wishes,
Jim Inhofe
The time is now!
How can you set there with that smug look on your face ...
eternity comes fast and you don't know your place ...
Fate is standing in the dark shadows playing to your pride ...
and here you are unconcerned like time was on your side ...
The day will come when your ladder of life has no more rungs ...
and all your choices will expire with the breath in your lungs. ..
The nearest Bible can help you make your choice of eternal habitation ...
for you can find Christ Jesus in every book from Genesis to Revelation. ..
posted on
Want to talk about eternity?
Poem of my youth...composed on October 23, 2006
Tracks of a friend in the snow
I have lain on the path of bone chilling fear ...
watched as the death angel hovered near ...
Midnight I rode the trail where black lion stalked ...
my steed snorting his course stayed.. balked ...
I lost my seat and the moon swirled around ...
my head was the first to kiss frozen ground ...
My body bounced down the Arbuckles crag ...
the earth drank my blood and there I laid ...
and dreamed the dream of death’s opening door ...
of life unlived and path’s untracked with joy untasted ...
my future my claim on living gone as I lay wasted ...
but awareness came as light chased away the night ...
My companion grazed close by had kept the cat away ...
snow tracks around my death bed testified to his stay ...
my shirt red soaked with life’s precious fluid staining the ground ...
I drug my pain racked body to the saddle and started down ...
past the still waiting mountain lion eyes peering from thick weeds ...
the smell of my blood kept him waiting to quench his savage needs ...
I looked back as he smelled my blood spilled in the snow where I lay ...
then followed us for awhile before turning to find unguarded prey ...
Danpatch went to equine heaven during the next season’s winter strife ...
But in my dreams I still count the tracks of my friend who saved my life.
jdm10/23/2006 based on a true occurrence with some literary license applied...My dad was a cowboy and Danpatch had been his favorite horse until he was retired to be my horse. At the time of the poem Danpatch was over twenty years old and I was 12.
Don't Tread on My Flag
We must be very concerned about who we elect as President and Commander in Chief...They must be willing to affirm the Christian roots of this country and the heritage of free enterprise and religious freedom. The must disavow any connection to any other world opinion than one that puts American interests first! They must pledge to never be the instrument of American submission to any authority that subverts the High Law of the Constitution of the United States.At the very least as a potential Commander In Chief of United States Armed Forces they must be able pass and receive a personal Top Secret Clearance background check that we demand of our defenders.God Bless the USA Keep us Free!
This "letters to editor" allows the reader to post opinion on subjects listed. We will delete posts or replies in poor taste or personal attacks on individuals. The Blogmaster's opinions predate the current rash of right wing rhetoric. Some say he is stuck in 1958! If you want to submit a post send it to the blogmaster or comment on the posts below.
Note: Some posts are moved to Draft status when no longer timely...if you need the post just email me and I will send you the copy.
***A conversation requires two or more opinions or it becomes a rally.***
Opinion Oklahoma
This "letters to editor" allows the reader to post opinion on subjects listed. Thus the www is a better media for the opinion writer in that no editor gets to pick and choose the views that are published. We will delete posts or replies in poor taste or attacks on individuals. If you want to submit a post send it to the webmaster below.
Creating a good post or reply on Opinion Oklahoma Dot Com
Be concerned about the brevity of your posting or reply. Get to your main point in your first sentence and use the fewest words to make your main point. Stay on one topic. Effective communication requires short sentences. Numbers detract from the central point. Keep your bromides out of your postings or replies. Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation will help sell your idea. Spell check and reread your postings before submitting. Topics in the news are likely to get more readership. Appeal to your readers logic rather than emotion. Good posting!
You're nobody til 51 percent loves you
You're nobody til 51 percent cares
You may be Senator
You may possess the lobeyists and all their gold
But gold won't bring you a happy election
Why are already old
The world still is the same, you will never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
You're nobody til 51 percent loves you
So find yourself somevoters to love
Hey Senator you missed the boat by being a fake conservative. Palin for President in 10
The world still is the same, you never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
Well, you're nobody til 51 percent loves you
So find yourself somevoters to love<
Mine own self I write to gratifie....John Bunyun of Pilgrims Progess said it best..
". . . I did not thinkTo shew to all the World my Pen and InkIn such a mode; I only thought to makeI knew not what: nor did I undertakeThereby to please my Neighbour; no not I;I did it mine own self to gratifie."
I write here in Oklahoma Opinion my heartfelt opinions some inherited from my father and grandfathers and codified along my 71 year journey from Bromide, Oklahoma to Newcastle, Oklahoma. Read my words, make up your own mind and love your nieghbors and your country.
Poem about my youthful dance with the death angel...composed on October 23, 2006
Tracks of a friend in the snowI have lain on the path of bone chilling fear ... watched as the death angel hovered near ... Midnight I rode the trail where black lion stalked ... my steed snorting his course stayed.. balked ... I lost my seat and the moon swirled around ... my head was the first to kiss frozen ground ... My body bounced down the Arbuckles crag ... the earth drank my blood and there I laid ... and dreamed the dream of death’s opening door ... of life unlived and path’s untracked with joy untasted ... my future my claim on living gone as I lay wasted ... but awareness came as light chased away the night ... My companion grazed close by had kept the cat away ... snow tracks around my death bed testified to his stay ... my shirt red soaked with life’s precious fluid staining the ground ... I drug my pain racked body to the saddle and started down ... past the still waiting mountain lion eyes peering from thick weeds ... the smell of my blood kept him waiting to quench his savage needs ... I looked back as he smelled my blood spilled in the snow where I lay ... then followed us for awhile before turning to find unguarded prey ... Danpatch went to equine heaven during the next season’s winter strife ... But in my dreams I still count the tracks of my friend who saved my life.
. . jdm10/23/2006 based on a true occurrence with some literary license applied...My dad was a cowboy and Danpatch had been his favorite horse until he was retired to be my horse. At the time of the poem Danpatch was over twenty years old and I was 12. Gosh I miss him!