It takes everyone liberal and conservative to run the politics of the engine we call America! Patrotic American warriors defend with their life the right of pacifists to hold the wrong opinions. The Blogmaster harbors some populist ideas and believes in free enterprise as opposed to corporate monopoly capitalism. This is a mostly GOP friendly blog. jdm
I watched the Congressional Black Caucus (no conservative GOP congresspersons are allowed to be members) new member inauguration on CSPAN and it seemed to me that the applause when Obama was introduced was less than enthusiastic. As the camera panned the crowd of largely people in pastoral positions some were not clapping at all and the faces of some seemed not pleased. The devout Christians among the Caucus are the most fervent Christians in our land and the back door Muslim evangelizing of people of color based on hate for the white man has not been very well received. While loud and vociferous their numbers in the community are small.
Former(?) Muslim Senator B. Hussein Obama (along with the practicing Muslim in the US House) with access to sensitive military intelligence presents our national leaders with a problem of enormous proportions. I feel some security in the belief that we have in place patriots that will be watching. If you think I am over reacting then you should read the Koran...World domination as it was in the beginning is still their plan. Recent polls show over 70% agree that Israel should be destroyed. Do you think they have any kind thoughts for Israel's main supporter in the world? Keep your powder dry.

Nancy is a lifetime progressive socialist* from a progressive socialist political East coast family. She does not seem to have a grasp on American traditional values and may erode freedom for family control of their own affairs. She will be in a position to stall meaningful tax relief for working families. Her presence will hurt our defense posture because the world will view her election as a return to Carter/Clinton military non support and our border problems will magnify under her weak and condescending approach to immigration in which she walks jack step with Bush. She will burden us with the citizenship for the 12 million who have illegally entered our country.
It will be a heyday for conservative talk show hosts who dominate talk radio and her ineptness will hurt the aspiring Presidential desires of the Socialist Senator from New York as Speaker NP demonstrates the crippling chill that progressive socialists* with power do to the American economic system. Sell your stocks and buy gold and silver.
100 hours on the edge of chaos
Thoughts after watching swearing in of the new Speaker
Grandma Nancy has a way with words and will be a worthy advisory. It also is obvious that it is a TWO WOMAN race for the progressive socialist* democratic nomination for President.
NO NEW DEFICIT SPENDING SHE SAID...what about the deficit spending in place?
remember those words
*Marxist humanist thought with a dash of eastern liberalism and West Coast green/rainbow radicalism agenda
Cotton patches back home
Pork and beans with bologna on Wonder bread roles
waiting for the morning dew to dry on the cotton boles.
Listening to Bud’s Sooners make history on a battery radio’s blast.
Staring across the fence at black and brown people picking fast
wondering why the cotton farmers are segregating people like that.
2 day old baby brother sleeping on mama’s cotton sack laid out flat
little sister picking up the boles we drop and then with all her might
running fast to “high cotton” to do her toiletry out of anyone’s sight
land owner bringing us all RC’s and Baby Ruths tasty to the bite
me thinking his daughter made the moon brighter in the barn last night
noon more pork and beans with bologna and jugs of cold cold lemonade
taking a hard earned break and laying in the cool cool wagon shade
with cream filled Twinkeys a short short nap and time to play
pay day money big money for working folks like us on Saturday
going to the moving picture show with a brand new dollar
eating huge bags of popcorn and drinking grape soda water
This poem was going to be my final leap to fame
but my gray head nodded off to sleep last night before the good parts came.
Jimmie Dale Martin, 2006
228 words
People say raising mules is outa date
that racing horses is the thing of late
the world is fast passing me by
some say I don’t care or even try
and tho the equestrian thing is higher class
for now I’ll just set here on my ass
Seven phase Al-Qaeda plan ...a vision of Osama bin Laden
1. Phase one is the "awakening" in the consciousness of Muslims worldwide following the September 11, 2001, suicide attacks. The aim of the attacks was to provoke the US into declaring war on the Islamic world and thereby mobilising the radicals.
2. Phase two is "Opening Eyes", the period we are now in and which should last until 2006. Hussein says the terrorists hope to make the "Western conspiracy" aware of the "Islamic community" as al-Qaeda continues to mould its secret battalions ready for battle.
3. Phase three, "Arising and Standing Up", should last from 2007 to 2010, with increasingly frequent attacks against secular Turkey and arch-enemy Israel.
4.Phase four, between 2010 and 2013, will see the downfall of hated Arab regimes, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Oil suppliers will be attacked and the US economy will be targeted using cyber terrorism.
5.Phase five will be the point at which an Islamic state, or caliphate, can be declared — between 2013 and 2016.
6.Phase six, from 2016 on, will be a period of "total confrontation". As soon as the caliphate has been declared, the "Islamic army" will instigate the "fight between the believers and the non-believers" that has so often been predicted by al-Qaeda's leader, Osama bin Laden.
7. Phase seven, the final stage, is described as "definitive victory".
US map with Muslim infilteration perctage of population.

The plan includes the desecularization of the West and world domination as desired by their founder. Click on post title for world Muslim map. More later..
Blue areas on map have 1% or more Muslim on this link to go to population website
Russin league with Muslims taking shape
KAZAN, Russia -- Officials and religious figures from Russia and more than a dozen Islamic countries kicked off a conference in Kazan, Russia Wednesday that organizers said was aimed at deepening their dialogue and defending a "multipolar" world in the face of US power.
Read the whole story
bin Ladin plans are from a few years ago so some dates are out of date
Update: 2007/01/04...Ist Muslim US congressman sworn in on Koran..try doing that on a Christian bible in Saudi land
The time is now!
How can you set there with that smug look on your face ...
eternity comes fast and you don't know your place ...
Fate is standing in the dark shadows playing to your pride ...
and here you are unconcerned like time was on your side ...
The day will come when your ladder of life has no more rungs ...
and all your choices will expire with the breath in your lungs. ..
The nearest Bible can help you make your choice of eternal habitation ...
for you can find Christ Jesus in every book from Genesis to Revelation. ..
posted on
Want to talk about eternity?
Poem of my youth...composed on October 23, 2006
Tracks of a friend in the snow
I have lain on the path of bone chilling fear ...
watched as the death angel hovered near ...
Midnight I rode the trail where black lion stalked ...
my steed snorting his course stayed.. balked ...
I lost my seat and the moon swirled around ...
my head was the first to kiss frozen ground ...
My body bounced down the Arbuckles crag ...
the earth drank my blood and there I laid ...
and dreamed the dream of death’s opening door ...
of life unlived and path’s untracked with joy untasted ...
my future my claim on living gone as I lay wasted ...
but awareness came as light chased away the night ...
My companion grazed close by had kept the cat away ...
snow tracks around my death bed testified to his stay ...
my shirt red soaked with life’s precious fluid staining the ground ...
I drug my pain racked body to the saddle and started down ...
past the still waiting mountain lion eyes peering from thick weeds ...
the smell of my blood kept him waiting to quench his savage needs ...
I looked back as he smelled my blood spilled in the snow where I lay ...
then followed us for awhile before turning to find unguarded prey ...
Danpatch went to equine heaven during the next season’s winter strife ...
But in my dreams I still count the tracks of my friend who saved my life.
jdm10/23/2006 based on a true occurrence with some literary license applied...My dad was a cowboy and Danpatch had been his favorite horse until he was retired to be my horse. At the time of the poem Danpatch was over twenty years old and I was 12.
Don't Tread on My Flag
We must be very concerned about who we elect as President and Commander in Chief...They must be willing to affirm the Christian roots of this country and the heritage of free enterprise and religious freedom. The must disavow any connection to any other world opinion than one that puts American interests first! They must pledge to never be the instrument of American submission to any authority that subverts the High Law of the Constitution of the United States.At the very least as a potential Commander In Chief of United States Armed Forces they must be able pass and receive a personal Top Secret Clearance background check that we demand of our defenders.God Bless the USA Keep us Free!
This "letters to editor" allows the reader to post opinion on subjects listed. We will delete posts or replies in poor taste or personal attacks on individuals. The Blogmaster's opinions predate the current rash of right wing rhetoric. Some say he is stuck in 1958! If you want to submit a post send it to the blogmaster or comment on the posts below.
Note: Some posts are moved to Draft status when no longer timely...if you need the post just email me and I will send you the copy.
***A conversation requires two or more opinions or it becomes a rally.***
Opinion Oklahoma
This "letters to editor" allows the reader to post opinion on subjects listed. Thus the www is a better media for the opinion writer in that no editor gets to pick and choose the views that are published. We will delete posts or replies in poor taste or attacks on individuals. If you want to submit a post send it to the webmaster below.
Creating a good post or reply on Opinion Oklahoma Dot Com
Be concerned about the brevity of your posting or reply. Get to your main point in your first sentence and use the fewest words to make your main point. Stay on one topic. Effective communication requires short sentences. Numbers detract from the central point. Keep your bromides out of your postings or replies. Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation will help sell your idea. Spell check and reread your postings before submitting. Topics in the news are likely to get more readership. Appeal to your readers logic rather than emotion. Good posting!
You're nobody til 51 percent loves you
You're nobody til 51 percent cares
You may be Senator
You may possess the lobeyists and all their gold
But gold won't bring you a happy election
Why are already old
The world still is the same, you will never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
You're nobody til 51 percent loves you
So find yourself somevoters to love
Hey Senator you missed the boat by being a fake conservative. Palin for President in 10
The world still is the same, you never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
Well, you're nobody til 51 percent loves you
So find yourself somevoters to love<
Mine own self I write to gratifie....John Bunyun of Pilgrims Progess said it best..
". . . I did not thinkTo shew to all the World my Pen and InkIn such a mode; I only thought to makeI knew not what: nor did I undertakeThereby to please my Neighbour; no not I;I did it mine own self to gratifie."
I write here in Oklahoma Opinion my heartfelt opinions some inherited from my father and grandfathers and codified along my 71 year journey from Bromide, Oklahoma to Newcastle, Oklahoma. Read my words, make up your own mind and love your nieghbors and your country.
Poem about my youthful dance with the death angel...composed on October 23, 2006
Tracks of a friend in the snowI have lain on the path of bone chilling fear ... watched as the death angel hovered near ... Midnight I rode the trail where black lion stalked ... my steed snorting his course stayed.. balked ... I lost my seat and the moon swirled around ... my head was the first to kiss frozen ground ... My body bounced down the Arbuckles crag ... the earth drank my blood and there I laid ... and dreamed the dream of death’s opening door ... of life unlived and path’s untracked with joy untasted ... my future my claim on living gone as I lay wasted ... but awareness came as light chased away the night ... My companion grazed close by had kept the cat away ... snow tracks around my death bed testified to his stay ... my shirt red soaked with life’s precious fluid staining the ground ... I drug my pain racked body to the saddle and started down ... past the still waiting mountain lion eyes peering from thick weeds ... the smell of my blood kept him waiting to quench his savage needs ... I looked back as he smelled my blood spilled in the snow where I lay ... then followed us for awhile before turning to find unguarded prey ... Danpatch went to equine heaven during the next season’s winter strife ... But in my dreams I still count the tracks of my friend who saved my life.
. . jdm10/23/2006 based on a true occurrence with some literary license applied...My dad was a cowboy and Danpatch had been his favorite horse until he was retired to be my horse. At the time of the poem Danpatch was over twenty years old and I was 12. Gosh I miss him!