It takes everyone liberal and conservative to run the politics of the engine we call America! Patrotic American warriors defend with their life the right of pacifists to hold the wrong opinions. The Blogmaster harbors some populist ideas and believes in free enterprise as opposed to corporate monopoly capitalism. This is a mostly GOP friendly blog. jdm

Does anyone doubt that the Red Chinese will insist on domination of the world when their 5 years planned arms buildup is achieved?
Why wait for the Bill Clinton sponsored Communist Chinese arms build up
A first strike on their nuclear assets would save millions American lives in the same way that Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved American lives in WW2
China's policies on weapons proliferation--the supplying of missiles, weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and the technology to make them such deadly instruments of war to dangerous rogue states that support terrorism--threaten U.S. national security and our vital foreign-policy interests. China's 20-plus nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles threaten the continental United States. And China's threats against Taiwan could embroil U.S. forces in a military conflict.
In a recent Pentagon war game that projected Chinese and American military capability in the year 2010, the U.S. Navy was routed, due in part to new, precision-guided, long-range cruise missiles. This new line of Chinese weaponry is being developed with technology obtained from Allied Signal Inc., a U.S. aerospace company. The sale was approved by the CLINTON administration as "civilian goods!'
A growing number of American-owned companies are selling dual-use manufacturing equipment and highspeed computers used in China's massive military buildup. This blatant profiteering, promoted by current and past government officials, is eerily reminiscent of the relationship between U.S. businessmen and Japanese militarists in the years preceding Pearl Harbor.
The successors to Mao Tse-tung have become skillful manipulators of economic opportunists in the Bush and Clinton administrations. Marxism has been discredited, but Lenin's prophecy that "capitalists will sell us the rope to hang themselves" ultimately may prevail. While the West dismantles its strategic and tactical defense forces, the Chinese and their Iranian allies are rapidly modernizing and expanding their missile, naval and air force.
The Chinese Communist military massive build up was made possible by Bill Clinton's sale of secret technology to the Marxists. Bill Clinton is call the "first black president"...perhaps we should also call him the "first Marxist President also!
It is perplexing to me that the American democrats would even consider returning the USA's first Communist/socialist/liberal progressive President to access to our nations secrets and power thru his just as Marxist wife!! You democrats are totally blind to reality!
Visit FriedGreenOnions at click it

- The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.

Louis L'Amour (1908 - 1988), Ride the Dark Trail
- For you and me, today is all we have; tomorrow is a mirage that may never become a reality.

Louis L'Amour (1908 - 1988)
- Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, their lack of good fortunes or the quirks of fate. Everyone has within them the power to say, "This I am today, that I shall become tomorrow." The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds.

Louis L'Amour (1908 - 1988)
- There are, in the affairs of men and nations, inexorable tides from which they cannot remain aloof.

Louis L'Amour (1908 - 1988)
Quotation Search - Quote Search - The Quotations Page
I picked these quotes from Lous A'Amour which seem to fit our present situation with the Hate America and Hate Chrisianity campaings ongoing in our country and even among candidates for our highest office.Louis L'Amour was a founding (1934) and lifetime member of the Poetry Society of Oklahoma of which the blogmaster is a member and Vice President 2008Poetry Society of Oklahoma
How can you tell if Obama is lying?
His mouth is open and words are coming out of his mouth!
Papa Obama and Mama Obama were cheering like the rest and hating America like the rest of the people in the background at his church in the "Dam America" clips.
"God Dam" America Pastor
I am just a hick from the sticks North of Tishomingo, Oklahoma but it seems there is an unbroken line of Hate America coming from B. Hussien's wife, pastor and his own body language.
We do not need a Commander in Chief that is patriotically challenged~
His lack of patriot fervor will not hurt him in the primaries cause lack of patriotism is a hallmark of the modern socialist controlled Democratic Party
OBAMA PASTOR DOES MATTER If you visit a church some Sunday and the pastor goes off on some insane tangent, you likely leave, maybe before it's over, and never come back.
If you continue to attend that church for 20 years, and listen to the insane rantings of the minister, and ask him to marry you, baptize your children, support him financially, and even involve him your personal affairs with you, YOU ARE ENDORSING HIS BEHAVIOR.
This is the case with OBAMA and his maniacal (so-called) "pastor," Jeremiah Wright.
In a sermon delivered at Howard University , Barack Obama's longtime minister, friend and adviser blamed America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs and creating a racist society that would never elect a black candidate president.
The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., pastor of Mr. Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago , gave the sermon at the school's Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel in Washington on Jan. 15, 2006.
"We've got more black men in prison than there are in college," he began. "Racism is alive and well. Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run. No black man will ever be considered for president, no matter how hard you run Jesse [ Jackson ] and no black woman can ever be considered for anything outside what she can give with her body."
Mr. Wright thundered on: " America is still the No. 1 killer in the world. . . . We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns, and the training of professional killers . . . We bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women and children while trying to get public opinion turned against Castro and Ghadhafi . . . We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there. We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God."
His voice rising, Mr. Wright said, "We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic. . . . We care nothing about human life if the end justifies the means. . . ."
Concluding, Mr. Wright said: "We started the AIDS virus . . . We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty. . . ."
This "pastor" doesn't belong in a pulpit, he should be given a mental health evaluation, and little else.
And Obama endorses him and honors him.
Get it?
Mark Shannon hosts a daily show on KTOK afternoons his website is

Members and friends of the Oklahoma Conservative Political ActionCommittee (OCPAC)The methodology and strategy to destroy social conservatives thatRepresentative Sally Kern was speaking about regarding the homosexualagenda, has now been unleashed upon her. The homosexuals and theirfriends (religious liberals who warp and pervert God's Word) are nowengaged in an all out assault to destroy Representative Kern.Oklahoma City's ABC affiliate KOCO 5 has a poll with this question:SHOULD REPRESENTATIVE KERN RESIGN FROM OFFICE? I voted about 11:30p.m. and the total was very close with those wanting her to resignwith a slight lead. It is time for Christians to stand up and be whatthey claim to be. It is time to come out from within the 4 walls ofthe church and engage our culture. If not, we will lose our greatheritage and let me just say, God will hold his church accountable forthe stand we take.Log on to and vote. Itwon't take but a moment and I would suggest you will not have a moreimportant thing to do for Wednesday. Channel 5 will probably reportthe results of the vote during Wednesday's evening news.
Blogmasters note...
After reading Charlie's email I went to the site and voted. The Gay Agenda has obviously been alerted nationwide and they are flooding the polls and discussion boards with out of state posters in the same manner as they filled the coffers of the elected country commissioner and state representative.
You HAVE to register at Koco to post and the following guidelines make sure that homosexuality is treated with kid gloves and never exposed as a disorder.
"All discussion boards are moderated by a team. Although the moderators reserve the right to reject any submission for any reason without notice, our practice is to notify participants via e-mail when a submission is declined. Posts which have been previously accepted for publication may also be removed at any time, for any reason and without notice. Moderators do not edit submissions in any way -- they are either accepted or rejected exactly as submitted by the forum participant.
profanity, vulgarity or words that demean any group based on identity, as defined by the moderators.
name-calling or other personal attacks directed at other participants, as Defined by the moderators."
KWTV runs a fair and balanced discussion board with a few words that the computer blips out but keep in mind that they are Oklahoma owned and managed.
I am not surprised that a movement (like the Gay Agenda to present homosexuality as normal behavior) that picks and chooses it's morality would resort to threats and violence against anyone who stands up to them by exercising free speech rights.
Moderate these comments KOCO!

Welcome my friend
It's really simple At 71 years of age it is almost fact to me that the Creator has brought me this far! Why do I say "almost fact"? It is because I live in a mortal body hundreds of generations from the first Adam and the DNA I have inherited has been subjected to damage and change over the centuries. Further my thinking is the end product of those I have learned from...I know I do not have perfect reasoning...But I have faith and honesty to my self that supports me. I know from reading writers of even the last 50 years that I am not their equal. When I read hundred word sentences written by the founding fathers just at the beginning of the last century I know that even tho our technology and quantity of data has increased about our universe...we have not. We are far dumber than our predecessors. As I look at the trees and plants who have descended from seed to seed I know that if we could trace them back we would find the first one growing in that perfect Garden of Eden that our grandfather Adam lost. Around them would be animals from the minuscule to the huge behemoths whose job was to keep the garden tended.

There would be no death and all would be peace and serene. The pruning of the garden would sustain the gardeners and they would be in perfect harmony with the highest of the Creators creations...Man. Both of them perfect in body and mind grasping the totality of their garden...Their duty to tend it, to be fruitful, to multiply, to bring you and I into being! Paradise is gone but it will return and it will be without end! Take a deep breath an look inside yourself...There you will find what the Preacher in the old testament called (KJV) "Eternity" and what the Baptists call a "God shaped hole". Let "Eternity" reassure you and nurture you and know that God is and that you are His special Creation. When He let them nail Him to the tree at Skull Mountain it was for you and you alone...

He took all your sins ... Paid the price of Death for you. It matters not that He did it for others it was you He loved and died and arose from the grave to provide the payment in full for your eternal life! Live your life to the fullest! Love your family and neighbors. Look for the Blessed Hope who will appear one day at your end of days or before to take you to your eternal habitation. Study to show yourself approved...A workman rightly dividing the Word of God 2 Timothy 2/15(KJV)
Jimmie Dale Martin
Picture shown is Obama campaign office in Texas
Excerp from the link on title to go to website...
In his biography of Barack Obama, David Mendell writes about Obama's life as a "secret smoker" and how he "went to great lengths to conceal the habit." But what about Obama's secret political life? It turns out that Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist.
In his books, Obama admits attending "socialist conferences" and coming into contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a "hard-core academic Marxist," which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.
However, through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just "Frank."
The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations.
Trevor Loudon, a New Zealand-based libertarian activist, researcher and blogger, noted evidence that "Frank" was Frank Marshall Davis in a posting in March of 2007.
Obama's communist connection adds to mounting public concern about a candidate who has come out of virtually nowhere, with a brief U.S. Senate legislative record, to become the Democratic Party frontrunner for the U.S. presidency. In the latest Real Clear Politics poll average, Obama beats Republican John McCain by almost four percentage points.
AIM recently disclosed that Obama has well-documented socialist connections, which help explain why he sponsored a "Global Poverty Act" designed to send hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. foreign aid to the rest of the world, in order to meet U.N. demands. The bill has passed the House and a Senate committee, and awaits full Senate action.
But the Communist Party connection through Davis is even more ominous. Decades ago, the CPUSA had tens of thousands of members, some of them covert agents who had penetrated the U.S. Government. It received secret subsidies from the old Soviet Union.
You won't find any of this discussed in the David Mendell book, Obama: From Promise to Power. It is typical of the superficial biographies of Obama now on the market. Secret smoking seems to be Obama's most controversial activity. At best, Mendell and the liberal media describe Obama as "left-leaning."
Obama: From Promise to Power (Hardcover)
by David Mendell (Author)
available on
Click link below to see glowing support for Obama from CPUSA
The time is now!
How can you set there with that smug look on your face ...
eternity comes fast and you don't know your place ...
Fate is standing in the dark shadows playing to your pride ...
and here you are unconcerned like time was on your side ...
The day will come when your ladder of life has no more rungs ...
and all your choices will expire with the breath in your lungs. ..
The nearest Bible can help you make your choice of eternal habitation ...
for you can find Christ Jesus in every book from Genesis to Revelation. ..
posted on
Want to talk about eternity?
Poem of my youth...composed on October 23, 2006
Tracks of a friend in the snow
I have lain on the path of bone chilling fear ...
watched as the death angel hovered near ...
Midnight I rode the trail where black lion stalked ...
my steed snorting his course stayed.. balked ...
I lost my seat and the moon swirled around ...
my head was the first to kiss frozen ground ...
My body bounced down the Arbuckles crag ...
the earth drank my blood and there I laid ...
and dreamed the dream of death’s opening door ...
of life unlived and path’s untracked with joy untasted ...
my future my claim on living gone as I lay wasted ...
but awareness came as light chased away the night ...
My companion grazed close by had kept the cat away ...
snow tracks around my death bed testified to his stay ...
my shirt red soaked with life’s precious fluid staining the ground ...
I drug my pain racked body to the saddle and started down ...
past the still waiting mountain lion eyes peering from thick weeds ...
the smell of my blood kept him waiting to quench his savage needs ...
I looked back as he smelled my blood spilled in the snow where I lay ...
then followed us for awhile before turning to find unguarded prey ...
Danpatch went to equine heaven during the next season’s winter strife ...
But in my dreams I still count the tracks of my friend who saved my life.
jdm10/23/2006 based on a true occurrence with some literary license applied...My dad was a cowboy and Danpatch had been his favorite horse until he was retired to be my horse. At the time of the poem Danpatch was over twenty years old and I was 12.
Don't Tread on My Flag
We must be very concerned about who we elect as President and Commander in Chief...They must be willing to affirm the Christian roots of this country and the heritage of free enterprise and religious freedom. The must disavow any connection to any other world opinion than one that puts American interests first! They must pledge to never be the instrument of American submission to any authority that subverts the High Law of the Constitution of the United States.At the very least as a potential Commander In Chief of United States Armed Forces they must be able pass and receive a personal Top Secret Clearance background check that we demand of our defenders.God Bless the USA Keep us Free!
This "letters to editor" allows the reader to post opinion on subjects listed. We will delete posts or replies in poor taste or personal attacks on individuals. The Blogmaster's opinions predate the current rash of right wing rhetoric. Some say he is stuck in 1958! If you want to submit a post send it to the blogmaster or comment on the posts below.
Note: Some posts are moved to Draft status when no longer timely...if you need the post just email me and I will send you the copy.
***A conversation requires two or more opinions or it becomes a rally.***
Opinion Oklahoma
This "letters to editor" allows the reader to post opinion on subjects listed. Thus the www is a better media for the opinion writer in that no editor gets to pick and choose the views that are published. We will delete posts or replies in poor taste or attacks on individuals. If you want to submit a post send it to the webmaster below.
Creating a good post or reply on Opinion Oklahoma Dot Com
Be concerned about the brevity of your posting or reply. Get to your main point in your first sentence and use the fewest words to make your main point. Stay on one topic. Effective communication requires short sentences. Numbers detract from the central point. Keep your bromides out of your postings or replies. Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation will help sell your idea. Spell check and reread your postings before submitting. Topics in the news are likely to get more readership. Appeal to your readers logic rather than emotion. Good posting!
You're nobody til 51 percent loves you
You're nobody til 51 percent cares
You may be Senator
You may possess the lobeyists and all their gold
But gold won't bring you a happy election
Why are already old
The world still is the same, you will never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
You're nobody til 51 percent loves you
So find yourself somevoters to love
Hey Senator you missed the boat by being a fake conservative. Palin for President in 10
The world still is the same, you never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
Well, you're nobody til 51 percent loves you
So find yourself somevoters to love<
Mine own self I write to gratifie....John Bunyun of Pilgrims Progess said it best..
". . . I did not thinkTo shew to all the World my Pen and InkIn such a mode; I only thought to makeI knew not what: nor did I undertakeThereby to please my Neighbour; no not I;I did it mine own self to gratifie."
I write here in Oklahoma Opinion my heartfelt opinions some inherited from my father and grandfathers and codified along my 71 year journey from Bromide, Oklahoma to Newcastle, Oklahoma. Read my words, make up your own mind and love your nieghbors and your country.
Poem about my youthful dance with the death angel...composed on October 23, 2006
Tracks of a friend in the snowI have lain on the path of bone chilling fear ... watched as the death angel hovered near ... Midnight I rode the trail where black lion stalked ... my steed snorting his course stayed.. balked ... I lost my seat and the moon swirled around ... my head was the first to kiss frozen ground ... My body bounced down the Arbuckles crag ... the earth drank my blood and there I laid ... and dreamed the dream of death’s opening door ... of life unlived and path’s untracked with joy untasted ... my future my claim on living gone as I lay wasted ... but awareness came as light chased away the night ... My companion grazed close by had kept the cat away ... snow tracks around my death bed testified to his stay ... my shirt red soaked with life’s precious fluid staining the ground ... I drug my pain racked body to the saddle and started down ... past the still waiting mountain lion eyes peering from thick weeds ... the smell of my blood kept him waiting to quench his savage needs ... I looked back as he smelled my blood spilled in the snow where I lay ... then followed us for awhile before turning to find unguarded prey ... Danpatch went to equine heaven during the next season’s winter strife ... But in my dreams I still count the tracks of my friend who saved my life.
. . jdm10/23/2006 based on a true occurrence with some literary license applied...My dad was a cowboy and Danpatch had been his favorite horse until he was retired to be my horse. At the time of the poem Danpatch was over twenty years old and I was 12. Gosh I miss him!