The honeymoon is over ahead of time for me as the Commander in Chief promotes and pays for baby killing abortions for Armed Services Personnel overseas. It is ironic that the military which defends and protects citizens is funded for the killing of their own innocent pre-born children.
Planned Parenthood founded by a raciest white woman who said killing black fetuses was "the most generous thing to do for ignorant black families" is now headed by a black woman who is fervent for the elimination of life at will as a right of American womanhood. God save us from such as these.
Pro-abortion advocacy groups have big plans for the Obama Administration.
In November, more than 60 organizations submitted a 55-page memorandum to the Obama transition team, explaining in detail the policy changes that the signatory groups are recommending. The signing organizations include NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Guttmacher Institute, National Abortion Federation, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Sierra Club.
The Obama transition office posted the memo on its website--a manifestation of what the transition calls its "transparency" policy. (The document can also be downloaded from the NRLC website at
The memo, titled "Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a New Administration," contains a lengthy section detailing policies that the alliance says should be undertaken within the first 100 days of the new Administration (which begins with Obama's inauguration on January 20, 2009). Some of these, such as a restoration of federal funding to organizations that promote abortion overseas, can be accomplished by presidential order--and for these, an appendix to the memo provides specific language that the groups suggest Obama adopt in his orders.
In other cases, the signing groups urge the Obama Administration to propose changes to Congress--for example, the elimination of the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of most abortions, and greatly increased funding for "family planning" programs that direct many funds to Planned Parenthood affiliates.
Also within the first 100 days, the memo urges the Administration to reverse recent steps taken by the Bush Administration to protect the conscience rights of health care providers who do not wish to facilitate abortions, and to propose a health-care reform bill that will guarantee "access to the full range of reproductive health services, including . . . abortion care."
The memo details other policy goals that the alliance wants to see realized "over the next four years," including enactment of the "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA). The memo suggests that the bill is needed in part to counter the April 18, 2007, Supreme Court ruling in Gonzales v. Carhart, which upheld the ban on partial-birth abortion--a ruling that the memo says "declares open season on rights that women have relied on since Roe v. Wade."
One section of the memo urges that the new President nominate to federal courts only men and women who are pre-committed to support abortion. The memo says that it is "critical" that all judicial nominees have "a demonstrated commitment to fundamental legal rights . . . including the right to have an abortion."
"Pro-abortion advocacy groups have provided the Obama Administration with a detailed road map for delivery of an extreme pro-abortion agenda--and regrettably, the new President will be all too willing to follow this map," commented NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson. "It is up to the pro-life movement to alert mainstream America to this emerging threat, because most elements of this agenda cannot be implemented without agreement from the Congress."